Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side
3/6 This book left a lot to be desired. It was a very typical 90's Vampire Love story. The main character is strong and can be a good...

Moirin's Trilogy
6/6 This Book was fantastic and portrayed a new perspective to the world of Terre d'Ange. The main character of this spin-off series is...

Santa Olivia
3/6 I was so disappointed in the writing for this one since it is one of the authors I actually stalk! I loved the main characters spunk...

Mercy Thomson Series 1-4
5/6 Vampires, werewolves, and Shifters, Oh My! This book series bring to light an alternate universe where some supernatural creatures...

5/6 This book was funny and witty and made you think about gender in new ways. It was one of the first books i had shared and it was the...

Blood and Chocolate
5/6 I strayed from my normal Vampire novel and was not disappointed. Shout out to my friend Casey F. for telling me to shut up and read...

6/6 The Eragon series continues and it does not disappoint. The journey through this book takes readers through their 20's and that real...

Lost It
3/6 The plot was slow. The book was unpredictable which I liked but it had a lot of downfalls in the writing. Read: 9/27/2008 -...

The Crown Rose
3/6 The end made it worth the suffering. I don't really care for the books that are boring until a reveal at the ending and that plus...

Kusheils Scion
6/6 This is the beginning of a new series but not a whole new society. This is a break away from Phedre and into her heir. Tarot Card:...

Kusheils Justice
6/6 At its worst this series can be called wordy but it is amazing and I am in LOVE with it. for further comments see the first in the...

Thirteen Reasons Why
5/6 The only reason this book is not a 6 is that trigger warnings didn't exist when I first read it and I was not prepared for the ways...

Kushiel's Avatar
Rating: 6/6 I first read Kushiel's Dart in 6th grade and did not find the second book until I was well into my JR year and continued to...

Kusheil's chosen
Rating: 6/6 I first read Kushiel's Dart in 6th grade and did not find the second book until I was well into my JR year. It continued to...

The Sweet Far Thing
5/6 This book! Sigh. I love this series and the final book did not disappoint! every page made the reader want the protagonist to succeed...