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Santa Olivia


I was so disappointed in the writing for this one since it is one of the authors I actually stalk! I loved the main characters spunk and some of the themes but I wasn't prepared for such a letdown.

Tarot Card: Sasuraibito deck- Two of Cups

This is a friendship or relationship novel with a lot of connections between people being made.


Page 80

"true," Loup said thoughtfully, "This week I learned what fucking is. I mean, I kind of knew. I've heard the guy's talk about it, but not exactly you know."

Tommy's voice cracked, "what?"


"Maybe the gym was better than the church."

Title: Santa Olivia

Author Jaqueline Carey

Pages 349

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (May 29, 2009)

​ISBN-10: 044619817X

ISBN-13: 978-0446198172

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