The Book Log

The book log started in 8th grade as a part of an old Girl Scout badge and a challenge posed to me. The Girl Scout badge Reader required the scout to keep a book log of all she had read. I started this and my mother asked, "How long will you keep this log really?" I answered "forever". Well, I am now 25 and the book log has grown to be more than a small project. I read a quote and hate to admit I forgot the author of it, "The man who reads 1,000 books is the most knowledgeable man alive." I read mostly fictional works but this inspired the goal of 100,000 books. From there I tested different theories and came into my new book logs rules. 1. The book must exceed 95 pages to be counted in the log. (sorry Dr. Suess fans) 2. Once you have read the first chapter you must complete the entire book. (even if you pick up a series out of order) 3. Every book logged can change in rating and comments over time. This is because memorability of a plot is very important.
4. The book must be read cover to cover to be added to the book log! N
0 exceptions! That's it! Four simple rules that have guided so many choices.
Well, the book log grew with my education too. It started as one line in a note book containing the title, author, and dates I started and finished reading. Then I wanted a quote from a book I remembered so I dug out the quote and the log to find the author only to discover that APA, MLA and Chicago format citations needed so much more information than that. The log grew a little bit to include the ISBN number, publisher, country of publication, date of publication, and a small comments section to the book. Then I realized I needed even more so I cross referenced this with a book of quotes so that I can not miss quote an author. I tried to digitize this list at one point and make the two books one but the spreadsheet got a little messy. The book log is at 310 books read entirely and growing. Here I will begin to post them up once a week adding new books. Also, I may add some tips and tricks for staying interested in dull plots or long drawn out books. Currently, I am reading a book that is the third in the series a challenge I face often enough.