Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades #1) by E.L. James
Rating 2
AH!!! Why? Ok, where do I start? I am offended and aghast at the blatant abuse within this book! It frustrates me that we have a book that condones this man's behavior because he is Rich it reminds me of Tess from Charlotte Bronte's book. this book could even pass for a modern remake of Tess of D'Umbervills but it was written too poorly to compare it to work from a Bronte. In other words yes the sex scenes are steamy but this book perpetuates all of the negative aspects of an abusive relationship masquerading as a BDSM relationship. I curse you Zack for making me read this.

Tarot card- five of Pentacles- It crushed so many hopes to bring BDSM to the mainstream community

Paperback, 356 pages
Published May 25th 2011 by Vintage
Original Title
Fifty Shades of Grey
1612130291 (ISBN13: 9781612130293)
Read 2012