A Certain Slant of Light
4/6 This book was read from 11/01/2007 until 11/10/2007 and it was worth the read despite its poor rating. I did not like the writing...

Dark Seduction
Rating 5/6 This book was a great read and provided captivation that I can still recall fondly, but I am not sure the writing is up for a...

Be Still My Vampire Heart
Rating: 4/6 This book is a Vampire/ romance novel with some really good action and plot lines. I enjoyed it as a teen and anyone who...

Rating 6/6 This series was so good. The second book did not let the fans down but only gave us more to love about the series. Never a...

Rating: 6/6 Eragon was a great read with a lot of thought put into the beauty of the human spirit, beauty of language and politics that...

A Great and Terrible Beauty
Rating: 6/6 A Great and Terrible Beauty was a fantastic read with amazing plot twists, characters who could have been your friends with a...

Wolf Star
Rating: 3/6 ​ This is actually the second book in the series. I read them in order but I logged them out of order because I started the...

Rating: 3/6 I don't recall most of this book and I remember having high hopes for the story but being massively disappointed at the end....

Rating: 3/6 Twilight is the blight on Stephenie Meyers career only because its writing is grammatically horrendous and the plot line has...

Rating 4/6 Minion was a good read and I enjoyed the novel as a teen but even then I found it lacking in originality. The plotline is...

Dancing on the Edge
Rating: 3 I cant remember anything from this early entry so I downrated it to a 3 but after I read it I rated it a 5. Sorry for the poor...

Kueshiels Dart
Rating: 6/6 If I had to say any book has changed my life it is this one! The author places you into a world so immersive when you finally...

Son Of a Witch
Rating: 5/6 The Writing disappointed me again but the plot line was ok. I was not sure weather to give this one a 5 or a 4 rating. The...

Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Rating: 4/6 Wicked was a wonderful perspective on the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz book/movie but I only knock the...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
Rating 6/6 J. K Rowling provided an exciting and thrilling tale that was summed up very well in her last book, but it left a lot for the...