Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
Rating 6/6
J. K Rowling provided an exciting and thrilling tale that was summed up very well in her last book, but it left a lot for the reader to explore. The themes and wonder it left readers with was enough to launch a franchise. This book was my favorite read because it tied everything up into a messy bow. The political implications made by a children book was so on point it captured the audiences imagination.
I was very upset when I learned I had read to book 6 and 7 had not been published yet. Then the librarian told me their was a 12 month wait list after the library gained access to the book 3 months after its publication. I was devastated but apparently with in all my rants of books my mother heard my requests without me even asking. One evening a knock at the door got my mother really excited. She handed me a brown box and exclaimed that i had to wait for dad to open it. Well naturally i was curious but i kept quiet. When i finally opened it i was over joyed at the generosity my parents had shown in pre-ordering the 7th book for me.
Tarot Card: Tarot Card:The Sasuraibito Tarot- Knight of Cups
is a precursor that the battle is not over in the emotions of the characters.
Author J. K. Rowling
Illustrator Mary GrandPré (US)
Series Harry Potter
Release number 7th in series
Genre Fantasy
Publisher Scholastic (US)
Publication date 21 July 2007
Pages 759 (US)