6/6 The Eragon series continues and it does not disappoint. The journey through this book takes readers through their 20's and that real...

Kusheils Scion
6/6 This is the beginning of a new series but not a whole new society. This is a break away from Phedre and into her heir. Tarot Card:...

The Sweet Far Thing
5/6 This book! Sigh. I love this series and the final book did not disappoint! every page made the reader want the protagonist to succeed...

Kueshiels Dart
Rating: 6/6 If I had to say any book has changed my life it is this one! The author places you into a world so immersive when you finally...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
Rating 6/6 J. K Rowling provided an exciting and thrilling tale that was summed up very well in her last book, but it left a lot for the...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Rating 6/6 Tarot Card: The Sasuraibito Tarot- Eight of Cups is the card of great change and emotional growth. The saying good bye to a...