Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
Rating 6/6 J. K Rowling provided an exciting and thrilling tale that was summed up very well in her last book, but it left a lot for the...

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Rating 6/6 The Half Blood Prince became one of my top books after the series was finished because it had a lot in it that didn't make...

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
Rating 6/6 Tarot Card: The Sasuraibito Tarot- Three of Wands (reversed) One small failure is not a step in the wrong direction but a...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Rating 6/6 Tarot Card: The Sasuraibito Tarot- Eight of Cups is the card of great change and emotional growth. The saying good bye to a...

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Rating 6/6 The third book is my least favorite in the series. We are introduced to many wonderful characters and amazing ideals but I am...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Rating: 6/6 This book is the fifth in my favorites list, but that does not mean I enjoyed it any less then my favorite book in the...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book one)
Rating: 6/6 Harry Potter was the biggest series through my youth and my media teacher tried to get me to read the first book in fifth...