Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Rating 6/6

The Half Blood Prince became one of my top books after the series was finished because it had a lot in it that didn't make much sense to me as a reader until the last book came out. This is a series that continues to influence my life in many ways. The writing is immersive and wonderful to dive into, but it also provides a true work of literary genius. This book has inspired me and many others to explore details instead of just read a story. Although the story is just as good as the literary genius. I would always recommend this book to any young reader.

Tarot Card:The Sasuraibito Tarot- Page of Wands.
The journey continues with new knowledge giving us insight into how to win this looming battle.
Author J. K. Rowling
Illustrator Mary GrandPré (US)
Series Harry Potter
Release number 6th in series
Genre Fantasy
Publisher Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic (US)
Publication date 16 July 2005
Pages 652 (US Edition)