Rating: 3/6

Twilight is the blight on Stephenie Meyers career only because its writing is grammatically horrendous and the plot line has some glaring holes for any literature lover. The storyline is good though as far as Vampire novels meant to jerk the reader into another person's shoes. The main characters are not as dynamic as their background counterparts. The main protagonist Bella Swan is not exactly a good example of the modern woman and her partner Edward leaves some wondering if he is a little too manipulative.
Tarot Card: The Sasuraibito Tarot- Knight Of Cups.

This book is full of emotion and lacks a lot of direction.
Author Stephenie Meyer
The Country United States
Language English
Series Twilight series
Genre Young adult, fantasy, romance, vampire
Publisher Little, Brown and Company
Publication date October 5, 2005 Pages 498