Thirteen Reasons Why

The only reason this book is not a 6 is that trigger warnings didn't exist when I first read it and I was not prepared for the ways it affected me. When I first read this book I made my list of 13 and then I made a list of 13 reasons to live! It caused me to receive backward but it also pushed me forward! Everyone should read this and remember they are not always the most sensitive person in the room and sometimes your the bully and you didn't even know it. After I read this I also asked myself if I was a bully and realized that I was both victim and bully. Trigger warning too; Rape survivors, bulling survivors and suicidal persons (please think about having a good friend read the book with you.) Start date: 5/20/2008 Finish Date: 5/26/2008 (watch the Netflix show too it was true to the book and done wonderfully)
Tarot Card: Sasuraibito Death-

A great change happens that shocks the reader.
Author Jay Asher
Genre Young adult
Publisher RazorBill
Publication date October 18, 2007 Pages 288