Enchanted Dreams; Erotic Tales
2/6 This book was great but only for the supernatural lover in an extream sense! I can see that it could disturb more "normal"...

The Reincartionest
4/6 The writing is so/so and a reader gets lost easily, but the themes are extraordinary to contemplate. I love the ideas it projects and...

6/6 The Eragon series continues and it does not disappoint. The journey through this book takes readers through their 20's and that real...

Thirteen Reasons Why
5/6 The only reason this book is not a 6 is that trigger warnings didn't exist when I first read it and I was not prepared for the ways...

The Sweet Far Thing
5/6 This book! Sigh. I love this series and the final book did not disappoint! every page made the reader want the protagonist to succeed...

Rating: 6/6 Eragon was a great read with a lot of thought put into the beauty of the human spirit, beauty of language and politics that...

Rating 3/6 This was a good read with a lot of allusion and foreshadowing that was not easy to discover. I did not care for the writing...

Rating: 3/6 I don't recall most of this book and I remember having high hopes for the story but being massively disappointed at the end....

Heir Apparent
Rating - 2/6 This book was a good read and I loved the idea behind the plot. I found it to be a boring read though and did not care for...