Kusheil's chosen
Rating: 6/6
I first read Kushiel's Dart in 6th grade and did not find the second book until I was well into my JR year. It continued to shape my perceptions of reality and many great themes in the sexual and spiritual world. I started this book on March 29, 2008, and finished April 16, 2008. This book is just another epic addition to a great book. It made my mouth water to the next book.
Tarot: sasuraibito -Seven of Wands
the character learns important lessons of who to trust and what true Friendship is.
Series: Kushiel's Legacy (Book 2) Paperback: 496 pages Publisher: Tor Books; Reprint edition (August 25, 2015) ISBN-10: 0765307340 ISBN-13: 978-0765307347