Kusheils Justice
At its worst this series can be called wordy but it is amazing and I am in LOVE with it. for further comments see the first in the series Kusheils Dart.

Memorable Quotes:
"Joscelin is love supposed to make you feel like your sick and dying, and mad enough to hit someone, and drunk with joy, and your hearts' a bolder in your chest trying to burst into a thousand pieces all at once?" "M'm-hmm" he finished his ale. "that would be love." -Page 106-
"We live, we heal, we endure. We mourn the dead and treasure the living. We bear our scars." -Page 453-
Tarot Card: Sasuraibito - Four of Swords

The reader will grow frustrated with the main characters choices.
Title Kushiel's Justice
Author Jacqueline Carey
Series Imriel Trilogy
Publisher Warner Books
Publication date 14 June 2007
Pages 703
ISBN0-446-50003-8 (first edition, hardback)
Preceded by Kushiel's Scion
Followed by Kushiel's Mercy