Books in Vampire Huntress Series
5/6 The Books did get better and more detailed as it went on. I loved the incorporation of religion and supernatural creatures. It was...

Magicians Apprentice
3/6 This is a generous rating, mostly because I do know a guy who loved this series enough to keep lending it to me even though we had...

Blood and Chocolate
5/6 I strayed from my normal Vampire novel and was not disappointed. Shout out to my friend Casey F. for telling me to shut up and read...

6/6 I love this book. All dystopia or utopia fans should familiarize themselves with this book. This is a classic but a great read. The...

Send One Angel Down
4/6 I found that this book needed more to it but I loved the plot line and the characters. I felt it depicted a very tame version of an...

Kitty and the Midnight Hour
3/6 I did enjoy the idea behind the plot but it was a little redundant and I was very disappointed since a friend (crush) of mine had...

The Reincartionest
4/6 The writing is so/so and a reader gets lost easily, but the themes are extraordinary to contemplate. I love the ideas it projects and...

6/6 The Eragon series continues and it does not disappoint. The journey through this book takes readers through their 20's and that real...

Lost It
3/6 The plot was slow. The book was unpredictable which I liked but it had a lot of downfalls in the writing. Read: 9/27/2008 -...

Vampire Kisses: The Coffin Club (5)
4/6 At this point on in the series, I might as well finish it, but it gets to the point where you are reading and the foreshadowing is so...

The Crown Rose
3/6 The end made it worth the suffering. I don't really care for the books that are boring until a reveal at the ending and that plus...

2/6 This book was not at all what I had expected and was boring for a book all about sin. the plot could use more substance. It provided...

The Bitten
4/6 The series continues to heat up and finally takes off into the real plot. Information has been revealed and the storyline gets more...

The Awakening
4/6 This series is great but it has a lot of information to wade through before you get any good action sequences. The themes and the...

Kusheils Scion
6/6 This is the beginning of a new series but not a whole new society. This is a break away from Phedre and into her heir. Tarot Card:...