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Vampire Kisses: The Coffin Club (5)


At this point on in the series, I might as well finish it, but it gets to the point where you are reading and the foreshadowing is so blatant that you know what is happening and question why the characters are not smart enough to see through things. I am not sure whether to tell others to read the novels or avoid them. Perhaps a middle school aged person would enjoy them most. I do like this novel out of the series in particular because the plot was actually enjoyable despite the hints into the future the writing became somehow more.

Memorable Quotes:

"Membership to our club comes at a very high price." -throughout the novel

"I haven't seen you before." his head lowered and it appeared he was checking out my neck. "I suspect you don't belong." -Page 67-

Tarot card- Ann Stokes Two of Swords

A betrayal of highest kinds.

Title: Vampire Kisses: The Coffin Club

Author: Ellen Schreiber

Series: Vampire Kisses (Book 5)

Pages 177

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books (June 24, 2008)

ISBN-10: 0061288853

ISBN-13: 978-0061288852

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