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Magicians Apprentice


This is a generous rating, mostly because I do know a guy who loved this series enough to keep lending it to me even though we had stopped dating. I liked the plot but the writing drug on and on and was very hard to get into. I am making this series one post because I have nothing more to say about it.

Read: 2009

Tarot Card:Art of Life - Page of Swords

The main character will learn a lesson of mastery of his own power.

Title: Magicians Apprentice

Read: 2/6-3/3

Pages: 512

Title: Magicians Master

Read: 3/3-3/5

Pages: 499

ISBN-13: 978-0553564938

Title: Silverthorn

Pages: 343

ISBN-13: 978-0553270549

Title: A Darkness at sethanon

Pages: 448

ISBN-13: 978-0553263282

Publisher: Bantam Books

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