Lady of Ch'iao Kuo: Warrior of the South, Southern China, A.D. 531
6/6 The Royal Diaries is a great series which introduces young girls to their historical idols through the lens of the young queens to be...

Romeo's Ex: Roslines Story
6/6 This would be an amazing teaching tool. It exemplifies the themes found in Romeo and Juliette by Shakespeare but it does not glorify...

6/6 Amazing plot, the writing was on point and the themes are so in your face you can't miss them. I would make this book apart from any...

Bloodlines Series 1-3
6/6 This book! I am loving the characters and the drama and the representation of a romance without being a romance novel. I love the...

Uglies Series
6/6 This series is amazing and has great themes! I can not talk it up enough. The writing is amazing and the plot is spectacular. The...

The Silver Kiss
6/6 Can I admit something to you? I broke my rule, I listed this book after I listened to it not read. I feel a bit guilty but I needed...

Moirin's Trilogy
6/6 This Book was fantastic and portrayed a new perspective to the world of Terre d'Ange. The main character of this spin-off series is...

Wuthering Heights
6/6 I love this book! I loved it as I read it through English Lit in 10th grade and I re-read this book many times over! The plot keeps...

Heartstone Trilogy
#mulitbookpost #Judgement #ArtOfLife #gilescarwyn #ToddFahnestock #EightofSwords #EightofPentacles #Rating6 #Recommend #Pages400500...

6/6 I love this book. All dystopia or utopia fans should familiarize themselves with this book. This is a classic but a great read. The...

6/6 The Eragon series continues and it does not disappoint. The journey through this book takes readers through their 20's and that real...

Kusheils Scion
6/6 This is the beginning of a new series but not a whole new society. This is a break away from Phedre and into her heir. Tarot Card:...

Kuisheils Mercy
6/6 Kusheils Mercy is the perfect book to introduce someone in our society to BDSM. Please read this if you are interested in a healthy...

Kusheils Justice
6/6 At its worst this series can be called wordy but it is amazing and I am in LOVE with it. for further comments see the first in the...

The Crucible
6/6 This book was amazing it held so much rich allusion and themes. The religion theme was superior to most books. The language is also...