Bloodlines Series 1-3
This book! I am loving the characters and the drama and the representation of a romance without being a romance novel. I love the Vampire Genre and this book is blowing me away defiantly a great read. (It does not matter if you read the Vampire Academy Series because you will understand the plot but this series does have spoilers for the Academy series. ) Themes of Duty before personal gain and honor run this books course. The ideas of segregation and illness.
Author Richelle Mead
Publisher Penguin Group 2011

Title Bloodlines
Pages 421
ISBN 978-1595143174
Tarot Card: The Sun -perfect clarity is achieved by the main character!

Title The Golden Lily
Pages 418
ISBN 595-14-318-1
Tarot Card: Death - A change our main character can not turn back from once things have been put into place.
Quote: "In my chest my heart was breaking, on my cheek the lily reminded me who I was." - Page 418
"It doesn't need embellishment. A lot of the old Alchemist beliefs focused on purity and simplicity. That's what this is maybe it'll help you have clarity of mind."- Page 245

Title The Indigo spell
Pages 401
ISBN 978-1-59514-319-8
Tarot Card: Five of Cups- The inevitable loosing of something to gain something else.