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The Crucible


This book was amazing it held so much rich allusion and themes. The religion theme was superior to most books. The language is also friendly to the new age reader and can be understood easily. I began the journey through this book on May 3, 2008, and completed it on May 16, 2008. It took me so long because The Crucible is a play and not my strongest area to read.

Memorable Quotes:

"Hale- (in great pain) Man remember; until an hour before the devil fell, god thought him beautiful in heaven" - page 76-

"Proctor- You are pulling heaven down and raising a whore!!" -page 125-

Tarot Card: Art of Life Ace of Swords

The beginning of a journey through trials of faith.

Pages 143 Publisher: Penguin Classics (March 25, 2003) ISBN-10: 0142437336 ISBN-13: 978-0142437339

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