Claidi Journals, #1 by Tanith Lee
The wolf Tower was a great read and it had an interesting plot. When I read it in 8th grade I enjoyed the characters but when I re-read...

Angelfire (Angelfire #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton
4/6 Angel Fire had a great ending but the middle was a lot to wade through. I would suggest that anyone that has the willpower should get...

Anastasia: The last Grand Duchess Russia 1914
5/6 The Royal Diaries is a great series which introduces young girls to their historical idols through the lens of the young queens to be...

The Princess and the Hound
5/6 I enjoyed this book the characters stole my heart and it provided enough meat that I could read the whole thing without seeing right...

Daughter of The Flames
4/6 This book was fantastic and had a great plot. The story line was inspiring and it kept a readers attention. I would not suggest this...

4/6 Sula had a good plot line and great character development but the subtle beauty of the writing could be missed if the reader is not...

Moirin's Trilogy
6/6 This Book was fantastic and portrayed a new perspective to the world of Terre d'Ange. The main character of this spin-off series is...

The Crucible
6/6 This book was amazing it held so much rich allusion and themes. The religion theme was superior to most books. The language is also...

Companions of the Night
Rating - 4 It took me a minute to recall the plot line and I think it went over my head when I read it. It has a lot of good themes and...