The Prince Across the Water
Rating: 3/6 The plot line was good but it lacked in grabbing my attention. I enjoyed the general ideas and the historical aspects of the...

Rating: 5/6 Although I started this book as the second in the series I had a great time reading it. I found the plot line was easy to...

Wild Boy, The Oracle of Rowan Woods
Rating: 3/6 This book kept me entertained for a few days as I started reading it 7/1/2007 and finished 7/3/2007, which means I could not...

A Sending Of Dragons
Rating: 2/6 The writing was bland. I was not impressed enough to read the first novel which normally happens if I like a book I read out...

Rebal Angels
Rating 6/6 After reading the first book I had to read the second one and again I was moved to read the third. Unfortunately, the third...

The Demon Archer
Rating: 1/6 Sorry all who are looking for a review...I cant really remember the plot but I remember that this book made me fall asleep...

Viking Warrior (book 1)
Rating 4/6 ​ Viking Warrior was a great description of how quickly things could change in the medieval world and had great action that...

Mary Bloody Mary
Rating : 6/6 When I read the book in 2005 I was uncertain of the accuracy of the story, but as I have grown with this series I do not...

A Raisin in the Sun
Rating- 2/6 Commentary- I was very put off by this play and it was mainly the fact that I was forced to read it in school. I think it was...

Companions of the Night
Rating - 4 It took me a minute to recall the plot line and I think it went over my head when I read it. It has a lot of good themes and...

The Raging Quiet
Rating: 5/6 This book left nothing to be desired but in the end it was a book that got you back in touch with your feelings. If you don't...

The City of Amber
Rating 3/6 The plot line goes well but it is a bit of a mess and tends to need some clearing up. the true objective of the story makes no...