The Cry of The Ice Mark by Stuart Hill
Rating: 4/6
The Plot line was intense and brought me a sense of happiness. It had a strong female lead without being over the top and disclosing men. The relationships formed in the book were healthy and positive. I would recommend this to any middle school aged child particularly a girl who struggles to find her own power. I gave my own copy away but I would love to own it again...Perhaps on Nook not really in paper form. A good introduction to the fantasy fiction world.
Tarot Card: The Sasuraibito Tarot- Nine Of Cups
This card is the perfect card to embody self awareness which is what this book is all about!

Author: Stuart Hill
Start Date: 1/6/2009
Finish Date : 6/28/2009
Rating : 4
Genre: Fantasy novel
Publisher: The Chicken House
Publication date: Original: January 3, 2005
Scholastic Paperbacks: April 1, 2009
Pages: 472
ISBN: 978-0-439-68626-6