My Blood Approves series books 1-4
3/6 This was different for a vampire novel but I would not have picked it up, unless it was discounted. It seemed very "twilight" meets...

Nobody's Prize
4/6 This historical fiction was a bit predictable but it followed myth and lore in most respects, so this expected. I would recommend...

A Great and Terrible Beauty
Rating: 6/6 A Great and Terrible Beauty was a fantastic read with amazing plot twists, characters who could have been your friends with a...

Wolf Star
Rating: 3/6 ​ This is actually the second book in the series. I read them in order but I logged them out of order because I started the...

The Cry of The Ice Mark by Stuart Hill
Rating: 4/6 The Plot line was intense and brought me a sense of happiness. It had a strong female lead without being over the top and...