Tarot for Self Discovery by Nina Lee Brandon
Rating 3
Tarot for Self Discovery was a wealth of information and had a lot of great exercises for understanding your own mind through the use of Tarot. the author is clearly well versed in both Psychology and Tarot. Although I would caution that the book is not one you can work straight through. I did not find many of the exercises beneficial but the ones I did as I enjoyed thoroughly. I have decided to rate it a little higher because I may just not be in the right phase of life to appreciate all of this book.

Tarot Card- Fool, Art of Life Deck - This book does take you on a journey through your own mind.

Paperback, 153 pages
Published July 8th 2002 by Llewellyn Publications (first published July 1st 2002)
Original Title
Tarot For Self Discovery (Special Topics in Tarot)
073870170X (ISBN13: 9780738701707)
Read: 5/27/2018 - 3/20/2019