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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games is iconic in the idea that it helped to bring dystopian novels into the pop culture of reading. After this novel, we have seen more interest in classics like The Giver and 1984. I was so excited about this novel as I read it although the love triangle was a little trying. I thought the idea of a sisters love being so strong that it sacrificed her own well being.

Tarot CArd- Two of Wands- Sasuraibito Deck- This card is the card of protection and strength in a new journey that was influenced by passion.

Published September 14th 2008 by Scholastic Press

ISBN 0439023483

Catching Fire brought added depth to the series and helped the reader see beyond the love triangle and brought perspective to mental health after trauma and the private lives that stars can live away from the camera. The idea of a country breaking its rules to try and keep peace and then losing its supporters is also one we all should possibly be paying attention to.

Tarot CArd- Ten of Pentacles- Art of Life Deck- A student will seek a master and a master will try to refuse the student...such is Haymitch and Katniss


Published September 1st 2009 by Scholastic Press

ISBN 0439023491

The Mockingjay gave us hope that revolution can end and bring about a brighter future but in honesty, it was a little light in the ending. Yes, we saw some unexpected death and a lot of turmoil romantically but it was not the novel to look to for a realistic idea of revolution. I thought the ending was amazing as a person who loves tragedy but I did not care for the light feeling the book left you with. I was expecting more of a 1984 end.

I am Also going to make a blurb that if you like Hunger Games you should read The Battle Royal by Koushun Takami. Its an adult version of a book that touches on a lot of adult topics.

Tarot CArd- The Star - Gothic Tarot - A Hope like no other is granted and found in this book.

Published August 24th 2010 by Scholastic Press

ISBN 0439023513

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