Teeth: Vampire Tales by Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling, Cecil Castellucci, Cassandra Clare, Melissa Ma
Nope just nope. some of the stories were good but nothing stood out and encouraged me to keep reading.

Tarot CArd- Seven of WAnds - Ann Stokes Deck- This is a good sp[ring board and idea but it needed more development

Paperback, 452 pages
Published April 5th 2011 by HarperCollins
Original Title Teeth
ISBN 006193514X (ISBN13: 9780061935145)
#Rating3 #MelissaMarr #EllenDatlow #TerriWindling #CecilCastellucci #CassandraClare #HollyBlack #NeilGaiman #JefferyFord #NathanBallingrud #EllenKushner #LucriusShepard #GenevieveValentine #EmmaBull #TanithLee #SteveBerman #ChristopherBarzak #DeliaSherman #GarthNix #KaaronWarren #suzyMcKeeCharnas #Pages400500 #SevenofWands #AnnStokes