Katiulani: Hawaii 1889

The Royal Diaries is a great series which introduces young girls to their historical idols through the lens of the young queens to be at the tender ages of 12-14. This novel was historically accurate and had an amazing plot. It was well researched and had a lot of illusions. I would recommend it. I use these novels in the Girl Scout JR Badge Playing the Past. Read: 1/20-21/2012
Tarot CArd: Art of Life -Tower -

This is a card that tells of the future and the path that Kaiulani would have to tread. "what does not destroy me, makes me stronger."- Fredrich Nietzsche
Hardcover, 240 pages
Published August 1st 2002 by Scholastic
Original Title Kaiulani: The People's Princess, Hawaii, 1889
ISBN 0439129095 (ISBN13: 9780439129091)
Series The Royal Diaries