Percy Jackson Series

The Lightning Theif was fantastic. Rick Riordan has written a book that is interesting to the modern kid with the impressive nature of the gods wrapped into it. The book would be great for a budding witch or a person who enjoys coming of age stories. Definitely a series I would recommend to others. Tarot Card- Justice. For this book, Justice speaks to the idea that the main character discovers who he is and how he must fit into the world now.

The Sea of Monsters created a new twist on the Hercules story and followed it a hell of a lot better than the Disney movie. The beautiful language and rich imagination Rick used to produce this series were fantastic. Tarot Card- Five of Cups helps us understand the characters will face trials and tough choices that will leave them with something gained and something lost.

The Titans Curse is possibly one of the more memorable plots with more originality to the themes but the same attention to the original mythology. Tarot Card- Queen of Pentacles is the indicator the reader will feel almost completed by this stories ending but still seek more.