Wicked Lovely series( Books 1, 2, 3)
This series was remarkable so far. Each book brought on more adventure and drama. I was unclear why Book 2: Ink Exchange was placed in the series and am hoping it becomes relevant later. Each one was crafted with a great deal of care, but the writing itself is the only so-so and bumped it down a notch.

Title: Wicked Lovely
Author: Melissa Marr
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN 978-00612121677
Pages 352
Chakra Root
Tarot Card: Sasuraibito - Two of Pentacles - A bringing together of fates and bonding over mutual agreements.

Title: Ink Exchange
Author: Melissa Marr
Publisher Harper Collins
ISBN 978-0061214707
Pages 325
Read: 3/12-13/2010
Chakra Third Eye
Tarot Card: Knight of Pentacles- A decision made in hast can have some unforeseen complications.

Title: Fragile Eternity
Author: Melissa Marr
Publisher Harper Collins
ISBN 978-0061214738
Pages 389
Read: 1/17-7/2010
Chakra Root
Tarot Card:King of Cups- Mastering your own emotions may require more then you expected and you may need others to show you how.