100 books blogged!
In honor of hitting 100 books blogged, I wish to share my journey thus far in the book log and how it evolved over time. I have included pictures of the actual book log. If anyone emails me for a recommendation I will gladly answer with a few here and some form more recent reads. The log is at 320 books at this moment.
When I started Logging the books I was not really doing it for anything, but to see how many I could read. I added categories for Author, Title and, Date I started reading then finished reading the novel, and a rating system. The ratings use to go from 1-5, but then I read a 6 and it needed to expand. I learned more about averages and wanted to average out how long it took me to read a book so the dates category was added. I realized soon after that to catalog all of that information was too much math and gave up on the idea of finding my average but still kept the dates read so I understood where I was in life when reading this book.
When I was in High School I was introduced to MLA citation and APA so I added a few more categories like Publisher and date published. I also started a cross-referenced book of quotes. This was originally put into the margins of my book log but then it got too hard to understand the log. Some books I found really good quotes that would ruin the book so they are not posted.
When I entered University I found that MLA and APA citation did not fit historical documents and I needed even more information and was vexed at the fact that I could not find the information I needed to cite a particular book. This prompted additions of ISBN numbers and publishing country. The commentary became more and more educated and more detailed as I read more and understood more about the literary process. Some of this readers on the blog would not grasp because I have h

eavily edited the original commentary which was mostly blank.
I have been told by so many people through my life about how cool my book log was and asked about recommendations by many different people. At some points, I was asked to blog the log. I liked the sound of it but just didn't make time for it. Now that life is a little slower without a school schedule of 18 credits, it seems as good a time as any to create my masterpiece.
Still, as my life evolves so does my blog. While I was blogging I had an inspiring idea to pull a Tarot card for the novel to be blogged. I added yet another section to the wonderful Book Log and began pulling cards to describe a book to me before I read it. I have enjoyed the practice and found it helpful in choosing my next read.
Even if most people will never enjoy it. Perhaps, this blog will earn fame when I die having read my 100, 000 books or perhaps my life will be a tragedy like so many books I love with me only reaching 999, 999 books. I hope whoever gains access to wisdom from the blog will enjoy all the effort placed into it.