The Great Gatsby
Rating 5/6
I do believe this book would have been better received if it were a play, and was easier to understand when the movie adaption in 2012. It has a great plot but much of the imagery went over my head, I am chuckling at my 16-year-old selfs notes to check spark notes. I wrote a paper on this book and it was required by 10th-grade honors English.

Tarot Card: Art of Life - Two of Wands
I could not have a better card pulled for this novel, it is truly a struggle of character's choices and actions betraying them.

Author F. Scott Fitzgerald Cover artist Francis Cugat The Country United States Genre Novel Published April 10, 1925 (Charles Scribner's Sons) Pages 176
ISBN-10: 1781396833
ISBN-13: 978-1781396834