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How to concure a slow book!

If your being forced to read a book you don't like by school or a co-worker here are some helpful tips!

1. Reward yourself!

This is to set a goal and stick to it. Sometimes the end of a book is a dark tunnel that has no end in sight. After you complete your goal tell yourself you will get a treat. This can mean after every page you get a gummy treat or after a chapter, you get a milkshake ( I am really food oriented) If you can see the end result of your reading session it will make it look more desirable!

2. Keep the end in mind!

If you continue to have the end goal in mind it can help you dredge through the mundane language in a long-winded book like the Scarlet Letter. This can be the finality of reading a classic, finally finishing the report or gaining knowledge you did not have before. I know this one is a little ( a lot) nerdy but there is a satisfaction in closing a particularly hard book. You can place a sticky note on the middle marker in the book and keep telling yourself I am almost there or for longer books mark mid-way and two other good milestones for yourself.

3. Remind yourself

My personal favorite is carting the book around with me everywhere that way when I dig into my bag for anything I have to see the book and remember I want to read/ need to read it. Also, I am a huge fan of sticky notes so invest in a pad of sticky notes and post them on the remote to the TV and perhaps on the refrigerator. For the more tech-savvy person, you can change your backgrounds on your phone and computer to the books cover with a note to read instead of using your favorite app or watch that show. I don't know about you, but when I am reading a boring book TV pulls me so much more.

4. Make a certain time frame for reading.

Often if we haven't put aside time to read a book in our lives we don't make it a priority and make excuses that we are too busy. Sometimes we forget to make "time" for reading with our schedules. I understand finding the time. (You all see how often I find time to blog) This can be a train ride or just going to bed an hour earlier and having the slow book beside the bed waiting for you. This is particularly good for people who fall asleep reading.

5. Sometimes Spoilers are good!

I know you want to shoot me, but please hear me out. If a co-worker talks about a book enough you pick it up and if they give you a tidbit of juicy content you continue to read for this particular scene. Sometimes finding out Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy helps a person see through the mushy love stuff and hold out to the end. Some readers need something to look forward to.

I hope this helped you find some motivation in this and use of the tips please in the comments of this sight on the Poll's page! Have a great day !

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