Killers Cousin
Rating: 2/6
This is one of the many books I was very uninterested in. I gave it a 2 out of 6 and now I cant even recall why it got a 2. The plot was not captivating and the mystery part of this story was easy to tease out. The character development was so/so and the writing style could have used some work.

Tarot Card- The Sasuraibito Tarot - Ace of Wands and Queen of Pentacles (reversed) The Ace of Wands is a start of a journey and the Reversed Queen of Pentacles is the in-completion of that journey because of the lack of empathy of compassion.

Originally published: 1998
Author: Nancy Werlin
Genre: Young adult fiction
Awards: Edgar Award for Best Young Adult
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780142413739