5/6 The writing was superb and the plot was very well developed. The Love story was well balanced with the characters development and the...

6/6 Amazing plot, the writing was on point and the themes are so in your face you can't miss them. I would make this book apart from any...

Through Her Eyes
4/6 This book was a good read but I don't remember it much, which knocks it down a peg in my eyes. Read 12/2/2011-12/4/2011 Tarot CArd:...

Hidden Talents
4/6 This was a romance novel and it did have the same boy meet girl plot line that I despise but I liked the writing and it was easy to...

Wings series 1-3
4 The plot, characters and twist on the fae folk was amazing. The writing itself was not very good and it lacked a professional appeal....

The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
5/6 This book was lovingly crafted to display a lot of great information about Ancient Religion with a detailed understanding of the...

Bloodlines Series 1-3
6/6 This book! I am loving the characters and the drama and the representation of a romance without being a romance novel. I love the...

Gods, Goddesses and Monsters
4/6 This book was very helpful, but I would not suggest it for what I wanted to use it for; a college paper. This book would be good for...

The Princess and the Songbird
5/6 The author strikes me again with a palatable love story. Perhaps I need to read more Teen appropriate love story's. This book...

The Princess and the Bear
5/6 This author has a great way of writing a romance novel that actually has substance, not just about the romance but the individuals...

The Princess and the Hound
5/6 I enjoyed this book the characters stole my heart and it provided enough meat that I could read the whole thing without seeing right...

My Blood Approves series books 1-4
3/6 This was different for a vampire novel but I would not have picked it up, unless it was discounted. It seemed very "twilight" meets...

5/6 A great Story of heartache and longing with a touch of motivation. This book was well written and can be inspiring for a new life of...

Pride and Prejudice
5/6 A great read with an amazing ending! This book is a classic for a reason but the language is hard to understand at times and can be...

Gaurdian Vampire
3/6 This book was clearly a romance novel but I picked it up anyway. Vampire novels are normally my bread and butter but this novel did...